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How to Treat a Urinary Tract Infection

February 09, 2021 | Farah Jassawalla

Urine is dispelled from the body as a form of waste. When we consume food and water, the body absorbs the necessary nutrients and the remainders get discarded in the form of stool or urine. Liquid waste is urine, while solid waste is stool.

The color and the amount of urine dispelled from the body is usually dependent on the amount of water that is taken in. Urine and its proper expulsion from the body are very important factors and processes that one must be careful about.

This is a natural process, however, sometimes as is with most parts of the body, the organs responsible for helping you with the discharge may develop an infection. The body parts involved in the urinary tract are the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra; an infection in any of these parts would lead to a urinary tract infection.

What is a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)?

A Urinary Tract Infection is an inflammation in the urinary tract; namely the Kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. Most infections occur in the lower tract, the bladder, and the urethra.

UTIs are pretty common, in fact, in the United States, it is the second most common infection within the population. Comparatively, women are more likely to be infected than men. The statistics show that around 8 million people in the United States make visits to the doctor in regards to UTIs.

There is a 10 in 25 chance that a woman could have the infection, while a 3 in 25 chance that a man could have the infection. However, due to the nature of the infection, a lot of people are not aware of the signs and the symptoms, and even if they are, a smaller amount knows what to do if they get infected.

There are some signs and symptoms that one should be aware of to know that they have a UTI. A UTI that remains limited to the bladder and the urethra can be treated very easily. However, if the infection spreads to the kidneys, it could lead to more issues for the patient.

Some common signs include pain while urinating, a strong persistent urge to urinate, and the passing of urine in small quantities despite the strong urge for urination. Moreover, there are also some physical signs of a UTI. For example, the urine may seem to be cloudy or differently colored. The urine could quite possibly contain blood in it, or even have a very strong smell associated with it. For females, there could be some pain in the pelvic area as well.


Knowing how to treat the UTI is as important as knowing when someone has a UTI. One common method of treating it at home is frequently consuming liquids, such as water and juices. Some fluids such as water and cranberry juices are highly recommended by experts.

It is also recommended to ensure that the urinary tract is as clean as possible, this includes wiping thoroughly after going to the bathroom and avoiding any irritating products, especially feminine products near the area.

UTIs are generally developed when harmful bacteria enter the urinary tract and depending on the severity of the infection one should get it treated accordingly. Although home remedies may prove to be beneficial in some cases, in more severe cases one may have to refer to a doctor. The doctor, after conducting a checkup and getting some tests done, may recommend antibiotics to fight off the infection.


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